Lighthouse Threads, The new Virginia Davies Quilt Mystery, is out! An old, dilapidated, stone lighthouse and an old manor house built before the Revolutionary War, set in spectacular forests and hills above the deep-blue waters of Lake Ontario, is the destination of Virginia Davies Clark and her friend Natalie North. They envision a relaxing quilt retreat and some fun. After reading about the lighthouse and Inn’s history involving stolen treasure of gold coins from the 1920s near the lighthouse, Virginia, a born snoop, starts to delve into its history. The other guests at the Inn are a mixed bag of amateur treasure hunters and quilters. But when the unexpected dead body of a local historian and amateur archaeologist, James St. Claire turns up, things go from bad to worse for Virginia and Natalie. They use their detecting skills to sift through facts, locate a quilt that has some lost clues…
Dragon Threads (A Virginia Davies Quilt Mystery Book 9)
Dragon Threads, The new Virginia Davies Quilt Mystery, arrives this July! What could go wrong on the beautiful Gulf of Mexico coast of Texas? Smuggling and manufacturing of illegal drugs, and counterfeit relics? The lost treasure of King Henry II of England? Murder? Then there is the dragon that tried to kill Virginia Davies Clark’s friend Dr. Terry Sorenson. Dr. Terry Sorenson is on Buckman Island, a Texas barrier island on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, sorting through ancient North and Central American native artifacts a wealthy English Lord sold to the Smithsonian. But when Virginia Davies Clark is called to duty by the Smithsonian Central Security Service to investigate why Terry was attacked by a dragon, things turn dark. Virginia and Terry quickly discover illegal activities taking place on the island involving illegal drugs being made and distributed, artifacts being copied and sold as the originals, the…
Hidden Threads (A Virginia Davies Quilt Mystery Book 8)
Read the newest Virginia Davies Quilt Mystery on October 11, 2022. Once again Virginia Davies Clark finds herself in an action packed, whirlwind mystery adventure involving a Vatican treasure lost for generations, international criminals, suspicious ghosts, and people trying to kill her. Virginia’s friend, Dr. Gail Knight, a retired professor of computer science at the University of California at Irvine where Virginia was a student, purchased an old ranch called the Circle A near Georgetown, Texas and is renovating it to live there. Dr. Knight bought the ranch from a relative of First Lieutenant Robert Cumo of the U.S. 3 rd Infantry Division, a veteran of the battle for Rome during World War II. The relative lived there since Lt. Cumo died and sold it due financial problems and issues with the ghosts. Virginia visits her friend at her ranch where Gail gives Virginia a unique quilt dating from the late 1940s…
Perilous Threads: Virginia Davies Quilt Mystery #7
NEW: Perilous Threads, the 14th Virginia Davies mystery and the 7th Quilt Mystery! Virginia Davies Clark and her husband Professor Andy Clark have no idea what’s in store for them as they attended an estate auction in Georgetown, Texas. Virginia won the bid for an antique quilt and a ships log from the 1700s. Upon leaving the auction someone attempted to rob her of the quilt. Later, after examining the quilt and glancing through the log book Virginia discovers they are from a French ship chartered by a French count to clandestinely delivering chests of gold to the American Sons of Liberty during the Revolutionary War. According to the log, the ship was attacked and crippled by a British Man-of-War, but it managed to get away to make repairs and hide the remaining chests of gold. But the log and quilt also show where the ship sank in the Gulf…
Mysterious Threads: Virginia Davies Quilt Mystery #6
Look for Mysterious Threads, the 13th Virginia Davies mystery and the 6th Quilt Mystery, in November 2020! Virginia Davies Clark and her friend Natalie North go to a quilt retreat to teach workshops at the Mayfield, an historic ranch in Williamson County, northwest of Georgetown, Texas. But Virginia’s lessons in paper piecing and Natalie’s lessons in knit felting are no match for Colin Carswell’s (the owner of the ranch) hamming it up with equal parts history, an ancient curse, and histrionics. Part of the ranch is being renovated and Carswell leads an “archaeological/historical” tour of the ranch house, especially the attic, the old ranch buildings and cemetery, and the story about the old curse for the visiting quilters—until Virginia stops the show by uncovering human bones in an old steamer trunk. When the full skeleton is later exposed, Virginia can’t help but wonder if it’s somehow connected to the rumored…
Secret Threads: Virginia Davies Quilt Mystery #5
Secret Threads the twelfth Virginia Davies mystery and the fifth quilt mystery, is out! Virginia Davies Clark, the quilt Bee leader, or Queen Bee, as the others in the group called her, are set to expand their Bee Hive Quilt Bee by inviting newcomer Amanda Radford, a retired engineer, into their group. Amanda is well known for her crafty patchwork and her exquisite, prize-winning quilts. She recently moved from Galveston to Georgetown, Texas. She joined the Quilt Guilds in Georgetown and in Round Rock. Her crafty reputation could perk up the Bee Hive Quilt Bee’s patchwork proceedings, especially as they prepare for the upcoming quilt show. But when they arrive at Amanda’s home, they find her dead inside the front door, and a couple of her exquisite, prize-winning quilts missing. The fact that Amanda had investigated extinct volcanoes in Texas, especially one with special diamonds and that she had a…